Thursday, June 4, 2009

I Jumped The Nonexistent Wall

This morning, at 12:37, I learned something about myself. The day was only thirty-seven minutes old, and I learned something about myself. I suck at boundaries. Like, sometimes I catch myself refusing to accept them, and if that's not an option, then I catch myself denying them. If I played the flute, I would have to play what was written on the sheet music. There would be miniscule space to make that music mine. It would be like some old man who wrote a song one day, is controlling my self-expression. That would suck. But I don't play the flute. I do art. I do art BECAUSE it's limitless. There are no boundaries. Not one. If there were, I don't know if I could love it the same way I do now. I think I love art so much because it kind of scares me a little. Like, what if people don't see what I was going for? Or what if it doesn't impact them in the way I intended? And then, there's the unshakeable fact that it's measureless. I can't imagine having to be contained so much. So I won't. So I suck at: cooking, being careful, and boundaries. And I'm totally ok with all of that :).