Sunday, September 18, 2011

this, my explanation

new is best , early is better, we believe this because it's what we've experience.
things are alwase better good seemingly perfect, and then they can't get any better and instead grow worse.
when you meet someone new and they are so cool and intriguing in a completely unorthodox fashion, then you know them more, you know what their favorite color is, then you being to know what drink they will order, and what time they will have to be home, it goes on. seems to be really getting downhill when you start to know what they're going to say. then you know so much that anything and everyone seems more new than they. and we see that as a bad thing because we remember when they were knew and how exciting it was to speak and dig into that persons thoughts and memories, hear stories you could never had imagine because you simply didn't know.
same with many things, seasons, those first signs of summer the sun, the uh lemonade, the wearing as little clothes as possible, then in a month or so or two, it grows so familiar we can't appreciate it anymore. towns, friends, coffeeshops, bands, vegetables, a school year, an idea, a book, this happens so much and it often ends sadly.
but i believe it doesn't have to really, ya know, sure things are exciting new like a splash of water in your face or maybe coffee, maybe even GOLD,. it's a surprise ya know, gold hits your face and you can't help but think damn that was interesting i want more, then gold hits your face everyday and you can't remember what it was like when you never knew what it felt like to have gold hit your face. but also, you can know deeper, people are always changing, things are always being seen realised or remembered. maybe some days there is nothing to say, maybe some months, or maybe just a moment. maybe you just really want to say Gold, get off my face please, i'd like to uh close my eyes for awhile , but perhaps Gold would take offense.
try so to not dwell on comparison between the beginning and the current, that leads to dark paths of thought with a broken lantern and an empty lighter. Love that the new occurred. how many memories painted that new, a lot right? blessings. and know that if whatever is is to be contiuned, it will be. no need to fret on maintaining that thrill of a start, just let it be. let it grow, become taller, more colorful. maybe let it stretch out. Get the gold off your face and hold it, stare at it awhile. You don't need a cure, an excuse, to explain, you do not need to relapse or refrain or regret or neglect, just acknowledge the way life has always swayed and take it's hand and let it teach you how to dance.

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