Saturday, September 17, 2011

dried tomato

some people fall in love with other people, some people fall in love with things, some people fall in love with places. recently i fell in love with the sun it was truly, unexpected i mean the sun and i have known each other for years then out of nowhere i'm seeing it every day. not just seeing it i mean, but seeing it. seeing the rays of gold and violet shatter the barrier of glass and clouds, like it's reaching for me. Or stepping outside to a flood of agaonized faces complaining on the heat and looking up and seeing That sun, that sun that seems to somehow have been waiting for me to walk by. Chasing it. ever chased the sun? it changes colors.
i dont know, man, just the sun is everything we are all supposed to be. it's so aware of it's purpose, it knows who it is, it knows how to be and where to go all the time. Sure some days we'd rather it stay in bed or on the other side of the world maybe, but really think. beauty. beautiful, the sun is.
in love.

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