Saturday, September 17, 2011

there is Something beautiful about a Clock that doesn't tick

that sound they make,
the most irritating thing i've ever known perhaps.
just why do we need to know, really,
how many seconds are left in this minute? or how many minutes in this hour, hours in this day, days in this life?
Time is not an enemy, simply a means of understanding created by God, as all things were, i believe to help us, God doesn't have bad ideas

it is so so nice to not know what time it is, i think not knowing that may be my favorite thing to not know. Some days we're tired of school, tired of existing, tired of having to explain why we're so tired, and if it's not fixed it often drags on over into the next day then it becomes a lifestyle. when something becomes, something else begins to be forgotten.
so, stop. Every thing that happens, from now on, this is, maybe try a cleanse of sorts. find zen. tap into that peace department your heart has been designed to carry.
it is okay to feel hazy,
it is okay to end things and start things and not know what to do about things,
to not know where you're going, that's okay, because you still know where you've been and the two are greatly dependent on each other.
it is okay.
maybe, yes, it says on the wall, All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. this can be seen a number of ways, choose this one: don't think about how much time you have, don't have, need, need to kill, wish you had, would like back, don't think about any of that. think about how this second, right now, you are here. you are breathing with a beating heart and some growing bones, and you are alive and that's on purpose.
an escape, a soul vacation, take one. find what you love, love what you find. get a job, quit a job, be alone, read a really fucking good book,
i'm reading this book right now about this girl who leaves her town with no idea and no destination what so ever. she says she's going to fill up her tank with gas, then leave, she wants a new name too right. she decides what ever the town is in which her gas runs out, that's her name. fills up again. whichever town she runs out of gas in , that's where she will stay
fiction is a little extreme, but hey 'we all have our topics'.
breathe a little deeper.

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