Thursday, November 17, 2011


And their hearts only keep beating because hearts need not eyes nor light to do so.
for if they did, they would fall silent, unmoving, of blindness. people are mean. that is a truth. it exists, evil. it exists. And we have to love those who do not love us. and i think that the broken hearts we have toward those who have let evil succumb them are a sheer evidence of the love we have for said persons.

as they grow older the evil grows within them. because it is easier to live in the difficulty of hopelessness than it is to believe. It is easier to live life without rest than it is to admit being in need of rest. ,, for them,.

Love has reached them perhaps just on the wrong day. perhaps love said the wrong thing or walked a crooked step and somehow offended them. /but can love ever be wrong? and by loving anything they're lying to someone. either to themselves or to the world. if their lvoe is genuine, then their evilness is the antithesis. if their evil is their truth, then how can love truthfully come OF them?

is the difference.
perhaps the only significant difference that exists between two or more
good, and. evil.
and all other smaller differences are dervied from that

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