Sunday, June 5, 2011

and the children sing.

Looking at a map of the world, the first thing I notice is the colors, almost every map of the world is some shade of blue and green. water and land, ya know, then I see the shapes of the green, how a couple of them are similar just with bulges or points in different places. And some take up like a whole side while others are so little your nose pretty much has to touch the wall just to notice it's there. then i notice the words, cities islans seas harbors countries towns mountains continents oceans pasages penninsulas channels deserts bays. and i realise how familiar I am with this map and i wonder about the people living in the dark, the people who have never ever seen a map, the ones who don't know what map means or what one looks like, the people that have no word for map in their language simply because maps are not much a part of their culture. maybe they don't even realise there is a whole world beyond their own city or village or family or bowl.
Earlier I was looking at this map in Room right, poking pins into the wall on the places ill go. After looking at the World for awhile, It starts seeming more and more as though it isn't so big after all. just, after all, us, we, you, i, are incomprehensibly..small.
We all know the places spain, italy, paris, china, US, pacific ocean, Mediterranean,brazil, pacific, we all know those. since the age of six we are reminded and schooled of those places at a rate nearly constant. you can see why so many of us say we want to travel the world, we spend our whole childhood hearing stories and seeing pictures. it's human nature to desire to see it for ourselves. how about the south sandwich islands in the scotia sea, just east of the coast of argentina. The great victoria desert in south australia. the white sea dividing russia from the Kola penninsula. Natal, campeche, somerset island, spitsbergen, Sredinnyy khrebet, balakovo, toulouse, glasgow, Corpus christi, la rioja.
the world is much bigger than us, yes, and we are much bigger than ants.
if i could I would step foot, barefoot, on every inch of everywhere of World, The. beautiful, she is beautiful. and so much. How unbelievable that almost everything we each physically personally know is all on this one place. Every where we've ever heard of, everyone we've ever met, is all here.
i love it.
This place, how could anyone ever get tired of it, there is so much, I look at this map once more with one bare manifest admiration for being so much and so glorious, truly, what is all of this but Gods work and idea.
Our world is one of timeless wisdom, it was brought to life by a being much larger than itself, and from that day it has lived in out through while across under and between all that we know as history. all the animals, personalities, fruits, foods, oils, inventions, flowers, hair colors, bones, from always. it's all here and so are we.
wonderful, i'd say.

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