Saturday, April 23, 2011

holding up a boombox into the sky.

it's crazy how we all have birthdays. Every day of every year belongs to someone. they're really truly lovely, birthdays, and entire day for a one little person just to be able to celebrate their existence, I've been craving a birthday lately. sometimes when people hi about forty they start to deny their birthdays. They say that its no big thing, its just another day. No bad wrong. it is not just another day it is your birthday, the one day of all that marks when you breathed your first breathe and opened your eyes and began this life you've been given. it's a really special day to be taken so lightly. my teacher turned 36 yesterday and in class she was telling us all the good things about thirty six and how cool it is. thirty six, you are 18 times 2, you are 6 squared, you are 12 sets of 3, you are growing wise but not yet cold, you are dancing on age without losing your balance. there are good things about every age. Great things.
when someone turns a year, stories are told, a song is sung, cake is baked, gifts are given, but also it's kind of like taking a really big step. Or finally finishing a really long lap. going to sleep and knowing that when you wake up you'll be a whole new age is one of those feelings that deserve a whole big day. When I was little on my birthdays people would always ask me how it felt to be five or nine or thirteen. I always said the same, which is both melancholy and glorious. age isn't so powerful that it alters a whole person, it's a change without much of a ripple effect. You're the same you you have been just with a new number pinned to your being. perhaps that's why birthdays are often overlooked, people deem them as a simple number when really they are a beginning and an end. Like putting on new shoes then contiuing on the journey. Birthdays are really rather nice to have around.

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