Wednesday, October 27, 2010


"I'm sorry."
My absolute least favourite combination of words of all time.
What the hell does that even mean?
The phrase is so overused and so abused, that it's value has become literally meaningless.
"I'm sorry." is what people say when they don't remotely care about your situation.
And "I'm sorry." is what people say when everything that's happened has left them utterly heartbroken and they want more than anything to be able to turn back time and make things better.
The thing about "I'm sorry." is half the time, people don't even mean it. They say "I'm sorry." when they weren't really listening at all but they could tell by your tone that you're sad so they think they're supposed to sympathize. No, people. No. That is not how it works. "I'm sorry." should be the most sincere thing we ever tell each other.

Someone answer this: When will we all begin to mean what say?

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