Wednesday, October 27, 2010


"I'm sorry."
My absolute least favourite combination of words of all time.
What the hell does that even mean?
The phrase is so overused and so abused, that it's value has become literally meaningless.
"I'm sorry." is what people say when they don't remotely care about your situation.
And "I'm sorry." is what people say when everything that's happened has left them utterly heartbroken and they want more than anything to be able to turn back time and make things better.
The thing about "I'm sorry." is half the time, people don't even mean it. They say "I'm sorry." when they weren't really listening at all but they could tell by your tone that you're sad so they think they're supposed to sympathize. No, people. No. That is not how it works. "I'm sorry." should be the most sincere thing we ever tell each other.

Someone answer this: When will we all begin to mean what say?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

For you I will.

You knew I was sad. I'm not usually sad, but I was then, and you knew that. My grandma died. And my boyfriend didn't love me. And academics were gray. I came to you. You told me to lose my mind. To go crazy. Because, you said, I needed to. "Lose your mind. I'll help you find it again when you're ready." So I did. I didn't even realize that I did. It was a gradual thing, you know. Then one day I was officially a mess. I came to you. You told me what you know about me. I remember. Funny how best friends know me better than I know myself. Which is exactly how it should be. "Love you, Lex. Go be you."
For you I will.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

If the sun sets you free, you'll be free indeed.

Last night, I dreamt that someone told me the sun was bigger than the earth. I was shocked. Apparently, my subconscience doesn't believe that it's possible for anything to be bigger than the earth.
I woke up shocked that in my dream I was shocked.
Of course the sun is bigger than the earth.
That's common knowledge.

Which got me thinking:
It's really not common knowledge.
There are probably thousands of people that barely know the sun. They don't know that it's lightyears away from where they are. Or that it supplies vitamin D and causes skin cancer. They're completely unaware that it's simply a burning ball of fire.
All they know is that they see it everyday. It keeps them warm everyday. And it kind of hurts when they look at with their eyes opened all the way.

Ancient Egyptians used to worship the sun.
Sounds silly, yeah?
Not at all.
If you had never been taught any other forms of hope or faith, you would probably worship the sun as well.
The one thing that you see every single day.
The one thing that brings warmth and light to your life every single day.

What if the sun wasn't bigger than the earth?
What if it was smaller?
There would be no daylight. Or sunburn. Or sunglasses. Or growth.

The earth would be cold, dark, gray, and empty. Mostly cold.
We always take advantage of the sun.
Nowhere does it say, "Every day no matter what, the sun will rise."
But for some reason, we still believe that it will.