Monday, September 24, 2012

Be in my Eyes be In my Heart

dizzy because life is just so much. two years ago my hair was about six inches shorter and my life was about as many millions of degrees different as a life can be. from this i choose to not settle in sorrow, but to have hope. because in only two years absolutely everything has been turned every way for every reason and through pain and change there has been monumental growth and becoming.
today i am learning fidelity and abandon.
tomorrow i will learn.
every day
every second i will learn.
what will be your story now?

i will tell you something almost every day i decide to go to bed early tonight. seclude myself, away from films and friends and fields and just go to sleep because to wake up you have to sleep first. it never happens.  it never happens. it takes hours to get around to falling asleep because there is always so much else that demands attention and time, but i think that it will be a good idea to decide to have free time. jesus doesn't say come to me and i will give you a to do list, he says come to me and i will give you Rest.
advice from a tree suggests letting your roots grow down deep, and i suggest not over thinking the whole roots situation because we all have them every thing has them but much of their strength comes from the sheer fact that they are hidden they are deep within soil and foundation that it would take destruction and effort to see or destroy them.
i pray that we can all stop living
with this constant mindset of need and desperation
and realise
that we are loved and breathing and everything
is going to be alright.

i apologize insincerely if my words are repetitive. motifs of the heart.

beautiful that us in our ingenious youth know the entire world and everything that will ever happen front forwards and back but we dont even know what the morning will bring. plan to make a plan to make a plan to make something of yourself. But darling, you are Already something. You are so much something, and you are some one's Someone, SOmeday some how some where some way, you will see and understand why all this why because to soon to delay to only stay, just stay ,
i say.

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