Sunday, March 18, 2012


Life is
the mess in my hair it is the coffee, on my breath,
and im finding as im growing that life is
this divine hunger to speak honest words and know honest humans.
We all have been called names and we have called names, and im realising that there is so so
much more than the brutal arrogance ,than the smell of marijuana in the room, than crushed beer cans than what time it is. There is more than the price of gasoline and than blind assumption.
ive noticed that we each tend to leave pieces inevitably perhaps intentionally perhaps subconsciously intentionally.
ie, tonight i left my coffee cup in the wright car and chance has my book in his to read stack, i have the caveman sticker chance gave me on the back of my htc. jordan has my sweater now and i have kyle's t shirt.
tonight feels like a circus and i am recklessly gracefully slipping into this romance with life itself. truly, i am deeply
it seems
this beauty has my attention
it's creator , my creator, has me in his great hands. im following my heart here as my heart follows the truth and the truth is leading to so much than any other road could not even begin to take me.

apologies for the way these words read so unstably, so rigid. i am having a great trouble articulating such love that has been poured into these current skies and settings.
i wont be naive in believing that youth is anything other than fleeting.
but at once , i will neither submit to the chains that tell me Youth is not most certainly
though gold cannot stay, it must go somewhere, does it waltz in and out of our lives or does it fade in each of us at different speeds under different circumstances.
wow whoa well.
let's just listen, you speak to my open ears,
we just love in these fragile

dancing on the cliffs

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