Wednesday, June 8, 2011

From the eyes of a swan where the wishing dust grew

Eyelashes. ive got a habit of pulling mine out. during passive activites like reading or movies or sitting in the car, some people pull out their own hair or eyelashes without even noticing. there's a fancy name for it, starts with a t, but im not doctor so let's not give it the pleasure. Eyeyye i just did it AGAIN, it makes me so angry with myself that everyday i lose three or five or seven eyelashes just because of this sickening habit, but i've no idea how to stop.

When I was five i was in a swimming lesson, rubbed my eyes, and a small curved eyelash rested on my thumb as I pulled my hand away. my swim teacher told me that because it was on my thumb, i could wish on it.
maybe Trichotillomania (oop, let it slide) is a subconsious desire for more chances to wish.
seems like people wish on everything these days, stars, dandelions, necklaces, eyelashes, pennies, fountains, statues, a certain time of day. Seems like msot of what I've ever wished for has come true. perhaps maybe once we wish something, that desire is brought forth from our secret heart, into our hestitant throats, and out of our alwase moving mouths. Once said, it is also heard. Being heard, we feel as though it must happen, to prove something almost. prove ourselves, the power of the object wished upon, or the fate on the side of the wish itself.
im beginning to think wishing is our human way or revealing to ourselves what we truly want to happen, the things we're hung up on, or crave, the people we wish to know, throw it up to the sky. Wish outloud, wait and see.
cause you wouldn't wish for something you knew was going to happen, right?

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